Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Funshare and silly Hurriquake week...

So in between Earthquakes and Hurricanes, it does give us a glimpse into the unknown.  The fact that we don't control much in this life, much less, natural disasters.

Yes I felt the Earthquake.  Yes I felt the aftershock.  And while it was pretty exciting, once I realized that I DIDN'T run over the curb, I had complete peace of mind.  And while I think the entire DC area is about ready to unnecessarily prepare to bury themselves in a waterproof steel hole for this hurricane, I am still hoping that my kayaking trip tomorrow doesn't get cancelled....

See... he can do it!  I'm sure I could too...

Because I believe that life is ours to be lived.  To be lived loudly.  With love, laughter, passion, and faith.  I love being inspired, and challenged, and living life to the fullest.  I hate to miss out on anything, because each new experience enhances who I am. 

Steve Job's in an innovative, determined, hard-worker who has been on the cutting edge of technology for most of my lifetime.  However, finding things like this:  His Commencement Speech for Stanford University captured me and inspired me.  I hope it does the same for you.

It is definitely worth reading.

Life is SO good, and I do believe, it's getting better... <3

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