Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cutest Baby Girl!

I feel like I can say that - and I hope I'm not offending anyone when I say I have a baby crush on the cutest baby girl!  And she comes to my small group.  She adds a bit of sass, and I can tell she really gets Esther - even from such a little age.  Tuesday she was the victim of a random photo spree.  But it's ok because her awesome mama captures the majority of sweet baby girl's life on camera, so she is quite used to it.  But I figured mama needed to see the pictures of her sweet pea.  And if you aren't familiar with mama, she keeps an awesome blog that I have a slight addiction to reading.  Fields of Green

Sweet baby girl who has kinda stolen my heart:
Captivated by the peas...

technique: see spoon, and dive mouth first


She gives you the stank eye if you try to steal her food

Used to being the center of the camera focus

Mama can pose too!

Let me do it already!

Sass-a-frass lil one <3

Tuesdays with both of these girls and the other 4 that make up my Tuesday night shennanigans is pretty much one of my favorite nights of the week!  (Please note that my camera died minutes before baby girl was put into the cat pjs.  And if you are wondering the cat pj's had a tail - I would tell you yes.  Yes it did.  Sorry for my unfortunate battery regard.)

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Haha these are awesome! You are so sweet :)