Monday, April 6, 2009

a Spring Festival fit for the capital!

Cherry Blossoms in DC.
What a beautiful time to be in such a beautiful city!  What a wonderful and great weekend, which revives the desire to spend whole weekends down in DC soaking up the beauty and history now that the sun and warmth is returning to us!! 
Nothing makes me happier than the feel of the sun on my cheeks in the birth of springtime, but to be in such a beautiful place, with people you love, can just be a bit overwhelming.  I sat on the bank of the tidal basin this weekend, thinking "would I have EVER imagined that I would end up in Washington DC?"  I always swore I was going to be an NYC type of person.  Wanted to live the big life drinking, clubbing, making lots of money, and then about 5 years ago my life drastically changed. Now I have a life of contentment, hard work, independence, love, and all things that are great in my life and have made me the person that I am today.  
I have been increasingly made aware of how, when left to my own tools, I make my life into the equivalent of a kindergarten art project.  But in my life, I found a GREAT artist, who wanted to take that and turn it into a masterpiece.  And I am so thankful for that.

And also today, I took an elevator down 18 stories, with Johnny Cash on my iPod, after a long day at work, and was the only person in the elevator.  So I did what any fake-grown up would do, and rocked out HARDCORE the entire way down.  When the elevator opened in the concourse, it opened to a young, female professional calmly put together (and thankfully too, because there was a cute FEMA guy waiting for the elevator!).  I just chuckled to myself and jumped the metro home.


Marissa007 said...

I was in DC a couple of years ago when the cherry blossoms were out and it was GORGEOUS! I would definitely be spending some time downtown if I were you too.

Hailey said...

UHHHHHH-MAZING! wow that pic is awesome. i'm so sad we don't really get spring time here, though i love it so much! :) enjoy it! how's your work out coming?