Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter and mi familia!!

My family is coming to DC for Easter!! When I decided to stay down here for Easter and not go up to Pennsylvania, it was pretty much because I realized I had been spending quite a few weekends away from DC and didn't feel like I was living at 'home.' I never imagined my parents would decide to cart the whole family down here!!
But then the call came. I am very excited, and feel like hosting my family for a holiday says to me personally, not only am I being a grown up, but I am doing it right! I think this weekend will be a lot of fun, and I hope to take a lot of pictures and have a lot of fun. We may go visit the seafood market (my dad would LOVE IT!), and go see what's left of the cherry blossoms, and of course... dye some easter eggs.
Unfortunately though, the plans of spending all day Saturday got pushed to the wayside, primarily because Tim had an accident on the elliptical machine on Tuesday and almost sliced off his toe!! So now the kid is walking around with a boot, but in true T Pott fashion is insisting that he wants to go downtown in the city... we will see about that.

But yes, this week can NOT pass by fast enough, and they are all coming tomorrow!! Wonderful! Updates will hopefully be fun and exciting!

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