Don't get the tagline? You should read the whole story
Anyway... this has been a CRAZY week! I haven't had a single free moment! Monday after work, Nick Jess and I all headed over to the Vistica's for Charade-themed Wyldlife. It was great, and the kids had such a blast! We did commercial slogan trivia which was such a hit, and we had a hands-off lemon eating contest! The kids loved it, and Jonah was a beast! He tore that lemon to pieces! I did a talk from Matthew 6 about worrying about what we have and what we look like, and how comparing ourselves to each other, and worrying about what we have or don't have is not necessary, because we have a God who knows what we need, loves us, and makes us more beautiful than "lilies in the field or king solomon in all his splendor" Unfortunately no guys signed up so it is just me and the girls. But also that is pretty great!
PS it was also a snowday for anyone who doesn't teach!! ahhh - must have chosen the wrong profession!
Tuesday Maris came to visit! That was really great, she hadn't seen my DC shindig yet. We just had a laid back evening, drank some wine, made some homemade pizza, took the pup for a walk, and watched the 2-hour episode of 24. (I did not cheat on giving tv up for lent, I made that exception for 24 and the office) It was really laid back and fun. Also, I read in Glamour Magazine that for trendy fun waves, put 4 braids in your hair while it was still wet and let it dry. Maris and I talked it over, and who would have 4 braids when you can have 7?!? Ok I have included a picture at the VERY bottom of this blog, but keep in mind that if you think this picture is funny, you should have seen my hair when I woke up and tried to go to work looking very professional... yea, not so much...
Wednesday, had training all day and then got together with Maris for lunch before she skipped town. I am excited about the changes that happened at work on Wednesday, and struggling with some issues in the apartment and keeping things as loving and peaceful as possible. I went to small group and it was so great! Emma led this week and just had so many good insights, and I feel that this week especially God has really been calling me not to be mean to others but to love everyone at all times. It is challenging, but I realize that sometimes I do not treat people as well as I should and that has become evident to me, and I really am so grateful to Emma for calling that to attention to me, through very diligent reflection on the Word.
Tonight we had YL and planning night, so we met at McDonald's... because we are cool and it was such a small group of us. Anne got a beautiful new puppy and that was really exciting! Other big news... we are combining RM and Wooten clubs! We made a whole list of fun clubs to do, and I am very excited about this semester. Also the spring sports are starting up soon... track, lacrosse, softball... and all games I can bring the pup to! I have a lot of hope for our club this semester, and am just praying and trusting God that he will lead us as he see fit to bring his word to the YL kids.
Tomorrow... is Wyldlife spring weekend!! And also forcasted to be the most beautiful weekend in 2009 so far!! I am so grateful for this great weather, and although it may sound silly, I really feel that this weather is a person gift from God for me. I was a bit hesitant until just a few days ago about going to Spring Weekend. I kept trying to rationalize it by saying that YL was my first priority so it was ok, and "wow, they have so much energy" so it's ok, but really there is no rationalization for not being excited, because I am so in love with the mission of YL and want these girls to get to know Jesus in a more intimate way than they could have ever imagined. When I finally conceded to that and the fact that God has brought me to this point for a very good reason, I was told about the wonderful weather. So yes, even though it may be silly this weather was given to me as a gift. Please be praying for a beautiful and wonderful weekend!