We had a blizzard! In case you can't tell, that is a car buried all the way under there. This picture was taken about a week ago (6 days to be exact) and yet, they still have not shoveled the thing out! I mean you can tell that it is a car now, because some of the snow has melted, but ... crazy!! People around here freak out with snow, the roads aren't great, and they think it is an apocolypse, and they close school for a week. Yes. A week. We got three feet of snow and they got a whole week! And I know I am a grown up, so I shouldn't care, but you know who else got a week of snow days? Teachers. I definitely chose the wrong career field...
Sorry, I am quite aware this pictures are in terrible order, but Happy New Years! I went out in Bethesda with a few friends to ring in 2010, and it was great! I think we should celebrate New Years every month if it gives me an excuse to glam myself up! My friends Laura and Arash up there. I guess Lauren was taking the picture and Sarah and Jason never made it out... apparently they just threw food all over the kitchen to ring in the new years. (not kidding, it looked like they got robbed when we got back)
Ahh... yes. Please note that this is not normally how I dress. That man left of me in the picture is J. His wife is in my small group, and every year they have this rockstar party. We just dress up like rockstars and play rockband, because we are super cool like that. It was a really great party, and we rocked out with too much eyeliner, men in women's jeans, fancy boas, fake eyelashes, and an assortment of fake tattoos. It was a great night, and just like every time S or I plan a get together it was snowing.
Unfortunately the night didn't end as well. I ended up hitting someone on the way home when he blew a red light and slammed on the brakes. So currently my car is gone (RIP B Dawk...) and I am recovering from some minor injuries. Accident happened about a month ago, and things are just now getting wrapped up. But I am getting another car this weekend, and finally heading up to PA to see my family, so tht should be great. (God-willing I get there!) I still have to say that the night was still a blast (up to the accident) and honestly, can you believe I had to stand on the side of the highway wearing that and looking like that on a Saturday night?!? I am surprised that I didn't at least get breathalyzed, although I did get some honks from supporting passersby...
Ok so this band is called Enter the Haggis. I love them. Found them in college, and just think they rock. Real high-energy stuff and have the quintessential quality that makes me like bands. Being underrated, and having a sweet sound and good lyrics. Well, some of you might remember the post I made about the 50 adventures I want to have. Well it is 49 now. I went to the concert with Ang and Ami, and they weren't able to get my camera out and set it up to catch this, but you can ask... it happened. I got to live #15. I tried to find some security guy in between the Haggis's sets, but instead I found a drunk friend of the band's manager. She grabbed me, took me backstage, and pleaded my case for wanting to dance onstage in front of 10 people. Well, after loosing a contest, I had to do it myself, so he led me up to the stage, and I did it. I can't remember what song they were playing at the time, but I just ROCKED OUT. I just danced my heart out. It was great. only 49 more to go...
Meet my baby cousin, C. He lives near me down here in the DC area, but I don't see him often enough. I am excited to take him out this spring and summer and get him away from his TV obsession with Baby Einstein, and start him early on loving this great city he gets to grow up right outside of. What to do with a three year old? I have no idea, suggestions welcome, but I just generally enjoy spending time with kids like that, they are so refreshing to be around. And it's fun to blow bubbles, and run like a kid, and play hide and seek in ridiculous places that a grown up will never fit in. But I have to say, I am pretty blessed to live somewhere near family, and can't wait to see the new house! Congrats fam!
I'm doing it. I'm going dark. Actually the idea is to slowly migrate to a bright chesnut red, circa Lindsay Lohan, pre-crack days. Like this picture. Plus it makes sense to look like my birthday twin. It is still weird to me to see her on tabloids and think that she is one day younger than me. Weirddddd. But stay tuned for more pictures as the red slowly takes over!
Me and mah madre! She came down to visit me in DC and we went to the Hirshorn Museum. It wasn't one of my favorite museums in the area (I have to say some of these Smithsonians really spoil me). But it was fun. It is always interesting to look at modern art and think about how really I miss the art and beauty in simple stuff too often. But about halfway through our meandering, we decided to take a cute reflection picture off this reflecting glass box. Well, it just looks like I'm trying to be emo. Bonus points for the To Write Love on Her Arms shirt, but I guess I loose all emo points for having my mom in the picture?? Whatever, I love her, I don't care.
Anyway, that is my life in pictures and stories lately! Happy hump day, the week is almost over!
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