Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Running races and other momentous things

Ok, where to start.
1. In a mere 25 days I will be running the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run in Downtown Washington DC. Let me assure you of two things. The first is that DC is most beautiful during the Cherry Blossom season, and if you haven't ever seen it, you should plan to at some time. I plan to take my family downtown for the festivities when they come to visit for Easter Weekend. The second is that I will not be running the full 10 miles of the race. The requirements for the race are to finish in 2 hours and 20 minutes, which according to my calculations is about a 14 minute mile. This means that even though my original goal was to run the whole race, I will feel very proud of myself for finishing the race. Unfortunately between the holidays and then the car accident, my work out and running regimen has been on hold for almost 2.5 months! That being said, I am working hard, getting back in gear, and praying that God work a miracle through my physical strength to help me do my absolute best on the race. Feel free to follow my daily mile tracking on here or on facebook. I found it is a great way to keep accountable for continuing my training.
Another momentous occasion is that I crossed another thing off my 50 Dreams to accomplish list. If you read the previous post about this list, you will already know that I completed #15 - to dance freely in front of at least 10 people. What you may not know until today is that I can check off #41- send my parents to YL camp as adult guests. This weekend at the Annual Younglife Banquet, an item up for bid was a trip for 2 adult guests to attend YL camp. I tell you, I really wanted the homeopener tickets for the Nationals/Phillies game, but this was the clear winner. So with great excitement and enthusiasm, I announce that momma dearest and papa potts will be heading to North Bay in MD in June to see what YL is like. I am really excited for them for this trip for a lot of reasons. And despite my father's first reaction ("Um, so these people won't be a big fan of cocktails, right? Like, can I bring my beer?"), I am still excited for their four days experiencing this.
Also..... I am seeing my cuppa! I am flying out to see her, a wedding, and old YL Summer Staff friend, some cousins, and suprise a very good friend of mine who happens to be at this particular place on this particular weekend. It will be a very busy weekend, and I can't post where I am going yet, on the off chance that the victim of my surprise finds out, but pictures will be posted and stories shared upon my return.
Hoping this Wednesday evening finds you with peace and joy in knowing that you are loved and are worth a great sacrifice buy one who loves you deeply.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

25 things I love

I was thinking that I haven't blogged in a while, and I didn't really feel like blogging about recent happenings in my life, mostly because they haven't been super exciting.
25. I love driving on a sunny day with my sunglasses on.
24. I love when I check my ditziness at the door and show someone how smart I can be.
23. I love sitting in my circle chair with a good book in sweats with my glasses on.
22. I love running (and I miss it, can't wait to get back into the swing again).
21. I love when I cooked something that turned out delicious AND pretty!
20. I love wearing dresses.
19. I love labs, Cavlier King Charles Cocker Spaniels, and St. Bernards... go figure
18. I love Audrey Hepburn movies.
17. I love playing games... trivia, cards, sports, any game, any time.
16. I love letting other people drive.
15. I love mah seester!
14. I love pearls... a whole lot.
13. I love kids. I think they are cute, inspirational, and full of promise.
12. I love water ice or gelato. Sure ice cream is nice, but yum... water ice.
11. I love new jeans that fit perfectly.
10. I love country music... sometimes.
9. I love pastelling and drawing.
8. I love to sing my heart out to music in the car - even though my voice sucks.
7. I love to meet new people.
6. I love when it is all about other people.
5. I love kindness in humanity.
4. I love friends and family.
3. I love hugs!
2. I love God!
1. I love discovering new places.

Just a few quick things. Thanks for stopping by! Share some things you love <3