Lord. here I am.
I am small and broken, and I am humbled by your grace.
Lord, I fall into your open arms, knowing you are there to catch me.
When I get so caught up in what I want, I chase after it, even when I know I am running downhill. When I get too much momentum, I tumble down the hill, and there you are... a loving Father who will wrap me up in his arms, and convince me that whatever scrapes I have are temporary, and it is all ok. Right there... in your arms.
Lord, take my heart, fill it with your love, and help me remember that you are the one I want to be with. It is you that I want to love and care for me, and it is you that can love me more perfectly than any human can. Thank you for loving me the way you do, and reminding me to try to love myself the way you love me. Rejection and doubt will fade away, but only as I let you push them away. Father God, protect me, and encourage me to seek after you. Your plan and your time is more perfect than I could ever want, and I want to delight in you, and you alone.
I trust you with my heart and with my life.
Thank you for calling me your own.