I have been absent at best from this blog, but with everything going on in our lives, I want to get back into it. And yes, you read correctly - our lives. On November 3, 2012, I became a We. I am losing the Pott part of my name that made me JPott, but so thrilled to take on this new identity as the wife to my best friend.
Kev is a wonderful man, full of humor, a generous spirit, desire to serve others, and a boatload of goodness and integrity. I can't express fully in words how lucky of a woman I am that he has chosen to spend the rest of his life with me, and how excited I am for the rest of our lives to begin!
Where we are - after a beautiful wedding with 170 of our closest friends and family, we jetsetted ourselves off to the west coast where we honeymooned in San Francisco and Napa valley. I will make a dedicated blog update about our wedding and honeymoon at a later time.
If we fast forward to today, we are biding our time in a small simple apartment in the MD Suburbs, with the hope of beginning the process of buying a home within the next year. We have a wonderful yellow lab (who was previously just mine), and the three of us are one small but very happy family.
I have started a new job, which I thoroughly enjoy, and the commute has shortened from up to three hours a day (roundtrip) to about 30-40 minutes (traffic pending - about 15-20 minutes each way!!). The location is obviously better for me, and the atmosphere is one of value and teamwork, which makes me much happier than my last role.
We are getting ready for Christmas, and I have survived Black Friday shopping with my sister-in-law, and brother-in-law's girlfriend. We only had one potentially minor issue, in which SIL was about to chase down some crazy driver in the Best Buy parking lot. I am slightly kidding about this, but overall we got some deals, most of the Christmas shopping done, had a great morning together, and got one more thing checked off my to-do list.
We successfully found, cut down, and put up our tree. We did some decorating of the tree before realizing we didn't have many clips for the ornaments, and also, that we have a pretty bare tree this year!! I guess over the course of marriage we will try to beef up our Christmas ornament collection... But it's probably best we didn't have the tree completely decorated, because at some point early on Monday morning (roundabout 4am), Kevin awoke to a loud crash but didn't feel like it was anything to investigate, and when we were up for the morning realized our tree had timber-ed itself in the middle of the night!! We are currently hoping that our first christmas tree together has survived the fall, otherwise it may be a brown Christmas in our home this year :-/ More to come on that...
Also, with the ongoing Eagles v. Redskins battle going on in our home, my eagles are breaking my heart this year, and are majorly sucking. Regardless... Kev and I get to spend our Christmas weekend at the Eagles game in Philly and I am stoked beyond words since this is the first time I will be at the Linc for a game. (A wonderful and thoughtful gift from my oh, so dreamy husband...) However, I have learned the disaster in inviting a bunch of redskin fan friends and family over when I am the sole supporting fan of a crappy eagles team. Of course, the Philly Dream in me believes that next year will be a much different story, and just like every year, it will be superbowl or bust. I just hope our team is done busting...
So hopefully many of you are welcoming me back into the blogging world with grace and patience of not updating nearly at all over the last few months, but I plan to be giving more updates and PLENTLY more photos.
Happy Holidays!